You normally can carry only one large research item at a time, but what if I told you that you can carry 12 of those at once? That’s right, all you need to do is use your packager on research item. In order to restack them into one pack, simply place all of the tethers/extenders on the floor and shift pick them up. Having 3 packs of tethers or extenders with 2 tethers in each is annoying and wastes limited inventory space.

printers, chemistry lab), click on the hologram, it will automatically place an item in the slot if you have it in your inventory. If you have a unit in your base displaying a hologram of required resource (ex.This will automatically snap it to your backpack If you see an item on the floor and want to quickly pick it up, hold shift as you left-click on it.Placing a network of differently colored beacons all around to the planet so that you can always see one and tell your position is a very good idea. Either way, following it in the straight line will eventually get you there. 5 starting steps in Astroneer Astroneer Guide and Tips. Your starting base on the first planet is always placed below or slightly off to the side of the bound. The aerospace industry and interplanetary exploration game is from Seattle-based System Era. It’s visible on any planet and makes a circle around the planet’s equator. For ASTRONEER players, this guide is about how to start your mission. Once you spot it, follow the star bound in the straight line. If you find yourself lost in the middle of nowhere with no beacons insight, look up to the sky and locate star bound.